
Sage FoodCycler Review: Easily turn your food waste into fertilizer

Our Verdict

The FoodCycler finer broke down our food waste with minimal noise. Compared to composting, it's quick to apply and doesn't smell to shop. It's a bit small for a large family though.


  • It works, food waste was cleaved down
  • Very piece of cake and quick to use
  • Quiet in employ


  • Comes with a steep cost tag
  • Wouldn't suit a big family
  • Non skilful for vegetable gardens

Tom'south Guide Verdict

The FoodCycler effectively broke downward our food waste material with minimal dissonance. Compared to composting, information technology'due south quick to use and doesn't smell to store. Information technology'southward a bit minor for a large family though.


  • +

    It works, food waste product was broken down

  • +

    Very piece of cake and quick to utilize

  • +

    Repose in use


  • -

    Comes with a steep price tag

  • -

    Wouldn't conform a large family

  • -

    Not practiced for vegetable gardens

More and more than of us are trying to be as sustainable as nosotros tin can. Whether we're recycling, saving energy or reducing waste product. That'south why whatever new products which come along to help us achieve a more than sustainable lifestyle are welcomed with open arms.

Enter the Sage FoodCycler. This appliance promises to reduce nutrient waste by more than eighty% in as trivial every bit 4 hours. Information technology does this by breaking it down into a soil subpoena which Sage calls "EcoChips." These chips can either be directly binned or incorporated into your garden as a fertilizer. Either way, you lot're reducing your food waste footprint.

To use the FoodCycler, you simply tip your food waste into the internal bucket, lock the lid and press go. It sounds most too good to be true, so we had to review the Sage FoodCycler to find out for ourselves.

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 Sage FoodCycler review: Price and Availability

The FoodCycler was released in May 2021 and is currently on sale for £399.95 from Sage in the UK, whose parent visitor is Breville. With each FoodCycler you receive a removable 2L bucket with agitators, a set of EcoFilters with guides, a locking lid for the main unit of measurement and a separate bucket chapeau. With regular use, the filters will demand to be replaced every 3-4 months (500 Cycle hours) and these can be purchased from Sage for £34.95. The dissever saucepan lid also contains a carbon filter which Sage recommends replacing every ii-iii months to help reduce odours. These cost £x.xx from Sage.

A very similar model is also available from Vitamix in the United states for $399.95.

What is the FoodCycler?

Sage'due south FoodCycler is essentially a small, fast-interim compost bin which is designed for household-use. It reduces up to 2L of nutrient waste to 0.34L of dry soil amendment which Sage calls EcoChips.These EcoChips claim to reduce our nutrient waste footprint past over 80% and can be binned or used in the garden. To produce these chips, the FoodCycler dehydrates, grinds, and cools your food waste product. Depending on the blazon of food, the entire process tin take annihilation from 4½ hours to eight½ hours. At the end of the cycle, an audible noise lets you know it's finished and prepare to empty. It'south worth mentioning that the chips are not ideal for the garden if you grow food; any nutrient which comes into contact with the incorporated soil cannot be eaten for 90 days after application.

It's a compact machine, measuring less than 40cm in height, and contains a removable 2L porcelain-coated bucket which holds the food waste matter. It comes with two EcoFilters to assistance filter the scent during a bicycle and a secondary lid for the saucepan, should you want to store it separately from the principal unit. This lid too contains a carbon filter to help reduce any odours.

Sage FoodCycler: Specs

Capacity: 2L

Dishwasher Safe: Bucket only

Colours Available: Grey

Ability: 500w

Size: 36 x 27.5 x 32cm

Warranty: 2 years

Sage FoodCycler

(Prototype credit: Future)

 Sage FoodCycler Review: Design and Ease of Use

On starting time setting upwards the FoodCycler, at that place was a fair amount of internal packaging. This included stickers on the summit of each filter in the back of the unit, which was awkward to accomplish, so the filters needed to be removed.

In one case packaging was removed, it was quick and straightforward to set up. All of the parts fitted together easily and it wasn't likewise heavy to carry to position, weighing just over 12kg. It is worth flagging that the FoodCycler does demand a power source, so bear in mind yous will need an outlet nearby. Sage has supplied a secondary lid just for the bucket in case you tin can't place the unit in a convenient location. This means you can store the saucepan separately then carry it back to the machine in one case full.

If you're storing the main unit of measurement in the kitchen, it's quite compact, measuring less than 40cm in height, width and depth. The bucket itself is fifty-fifty smaller so at that place's little to complain about in terms of storing information technology. The small-scale size of the bucket does mean yous tin can fill it quickly if you have a lot of nutrient waste, and so this potentially wouldn't suit larger families. It was a perfect size for me and my partner — nosotros ended upwards running information technology about one time a week. It also features a very sleek and modern appearance without being too obtrusive, and then would fit in with about kitchens.

Sage FoodCycler

(Prototype credit: Future)

The FoodCycler can take all kinds of food waste product including chicken, fish, fruit (including peels), cereals, seeds, coffee grounds, tea bags and egg shells. However, information technology can't take foods such as bones, oil, nuts or pits.

Using it couldn't be more than uncomplicated. Just make full the bucket with your food waste matter until you reach the maximum mark. Absolutely, the max make full line isn't very obvious as there's no wording, but one time yous know information technology's there you can look out for information technology. Then yous merely insert the saucepan, lock the lid and press go. It's controlled past one-button operation and guides y'all through the cycle with indicator lights to show which phase it's in. Once finished, it alerts y'all with an aural noise and you tin can empty the saucepan out and commencement over again. At that place's as well the pick to intermission the cycle should you wish to add together more once y'all've started, although this can simply be done during the drying cycle.

The FoodCycler uses sensors to adjust the length of its bike. This ways it volition utilise the minimal energy necessary to pause down the nutrient waste matter. To put it in perspective, Sage claims 8 hours of food-cycling would be the equivalent of boiling the kettle nine times.

 Sage the FoodCycler Review: Performance

From banana skins, to teabags, crumpets, sausages, egg shells and apple cores, nosotros tested an assortment of food waste product to give the FoodCycler a challenge. Throughout the wheel, it was surprisingly repose, making less dissonance than the dishwasher. It didn't disrupt the Boob tube and you lot could easily have open conversations over the top of it.

But once did sound similar it struggled to rotate the agitator. You could hear the machine was catching itself and there were small scratches and chips underneath the saucepan. The nutrient was yet cleaved downwards and it operated as standard later on this cycle. Nosotros did not see this trouble once more and have to presume information technology had issues grinding a certain food type. Otherwise, the dissonance level stayed similar throughout and it was clear which phase it was on from the indicator lights on tiptop.

While building up the food waste in the bucket throughout the week, we couldn't odour anything unpleasant. This was the case whether the bucket was stored in the unit or just with the bucket lid. While running, we couldn't smell annihilation for the majority of the cycle. There was a slight odour during the cooling stage, simply it wasn't awful and soon dissipated once we opened a window.

Sage FoodCycler

(Epitome credit: Time to come)

In terms of reducing the food waste material, we institute it was a complete success. All of the nutrient waste material was successfully broken down into EcoChips and you could visually see it was much less waste. The composition of the EcoChips wasn't completely fifty-fifty, as in that location were a few strands, simply the FoodCycler finer did its job and the chips were ready for the bin or garden. On one wheel, the fries had non stale enough and had solidified, making it difficult to remove from the bucket. This may take been due to total bananas being in the bin, merely on all other tests the consistency was perfect. As it sometimes needs up to 8 and a half hours to run a cycle, y'all occasionally demand to be prepared to store excess food waste matter in the interim — nosotros had to get out a few muddy plates out while it worked its magic. It's also worth noting that the bucket is still very hot as shortly as the cycle finishes, so you lot volition need to look a few minutes for it to completely absurd.

The FoodCycler is really easy to clean. Nosotros found most of the EcoChips tipped out similar grit, although some residue was trapped under the agitator and needed to be dislodged by paw. The bucket is dishwasher-safe and we institute this removed whatever remaining residue without damaging information technology. The balance of the unit needs cleaning past hand with a cloth.

Sage FoodCycler

(Prototype credit: Sage)

 Sage the FoodCycler Review: Verdict

Ultimately, nosotros were impressed by the simplicity and overall pattern of Sage'due south FoodCycler. Everything fits together seamlessly, information technology operates from the touch on of a unmarried push button and it's constructive at reducing food waste. The 2L meaty saucepan means it can exist filled quickly, so perhaps information technology's not an ideal size for big families, although you could run it daily to cater to more waste. It's also non a cheap investment at nigh £400 for the unit and replacement filters costing £35. However, if you're smashing to be more sustainable, then it'due south worth every penny as there's goose egg else like it on the market.

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Katie looks afterward everything homes-related, from kitchen appliances to gardening tools. She likewise covers smart home products also, so is the all-time point of contact for any household advice! She has tested and reviewed kitchen appliances for over 6 years, then she knows what to look for when finding the best. Her favorite thing to test has to be stand mixers as she loves to bake in her spare fourth dimension.


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